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Los Lunas Cornerstone

Church of the Nazarene

Blog posts September 2020

Brother of Folly (2 Samuel 15)

    “Do not be deceived: “Bad company corrupts good morals.” Paul warns Christians in 1 Corinthians 15:33.
    It’s very true that the more power and authority a person has, the more carefully they should select those closest to them, their advisors and counselors and friends. Not do…

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Faithful to Forgive (2 Samuel 12)

    Last week’s message was about David’s Great sin: coveting and lust, which lead to adultery and murder. Despite David’s heart and his intention to always be within the Lord’s Will, we know from what we’ve seen about his life so far was that there were temptations that were waiting for David, …

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I Want it Now! (2 Samuel 11)

    When I was growing up, one of the movies that I really enjoyed was Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. You know the one, with Gene Wilder? I loved to watch that movie because I thought it was so cool to see a whole building made out of candy and chocolate. That’s every kid’s fantasy, right?…

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A Son, a Kingdom, and a Throne (2 Samuel 7 & 8)

    Do you remember what it was like as a child, the few weeks leading up to Christmas? The excitement and anticipation of what Christmas morning would bring? Or maybe you can easily recall the excitement of your children or grandchild in the time leading up to Christmas?
    Now, could you ima…

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4 blog posts